Kirkbride Internet Policies
Parents, please review this document carefully with your child. Kirkbride Elementary School and its Technology Department are committed to making your child’s computer experiences at Kirkbride as safe and meaningful as possible. In order to allow your child to access resources on the District and School networks, as well as the Internet, you and your child (grades 5 to 8) must sign this agreement and return the bottom cut-off area to Mr. Brothers. No child will be permitted to use school technology without this signed agreement. Mr. Brothers will review this policy with your child in an easy to understand format so that your child will understand it clearly. Thank you!
This agreement must be returned by Friday, October 18, 2019.
- Purpose
- Kirkbride Elementary School provides its students (“users”) with access to computing equipment, and network functions such as Intranet and Internet and Email.
- This access has is for the sole purpose of education and is to be used to facilitate educational productivity and learning only.
- Access rights and privileges.
- Kirkbride Elementary School has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the use of equipment, resources and material students access or post through the system. Students are expected to follow the rules set forth in the District’s rules and regulations governing conduct, disciplinary code, and the law in their use of The District’s equipment and network. This access has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. Access is a privilege granted by the District, and users should expect NO PRIVACY RIGHTS.
- All Kirkbride students will have access to the internet and District provided web-based Gmail through the School District’s private network. Parents may specifically request that their child/children not be provided such access by notifying the school in writing.
- Unacceptable Uses
- 1. Users may not use the District’s private Network to access material that is obscene, profane, advocates illegal acts, advocates violence or advocates discrimination towards anyone.
- Users may not write or post personal contact information about anyone, including themselves through the school’s network or equipment. This includes address, telephone, school address, work address, pictures, clips or other identifying information.
- Users may not agree to meet someone they have had contact with through the internet without parental permission and participation.
- Users may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system. This includes logging in as another person through a different account or trying to gain access to someone else’s files. These actions are Illegal, even if for the purposes of “browsing” or “electronic discovery.”
- Users may not deliberately disrupt or harm hardware of software systems, interfere with computer or network performance, interfere with another’s ability to use equipment or systems, or destroy data.
- Users may not use the districts “private network” to engage in illegal acts, such as arranging for the sale or purchase of drugs or alcohol, engaging in criminal gang activity, threatening the safety of another, sharing unauthorized copyrighted material or intellectual property, etc.
- Users may not use the District’s private network to solicit information with the intent of using such information to cause harm or injury to another.
- Users may not post information that could endanger another, cause personal damage or a danger of disruption to service.
- Users may not knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or an organization.
- Users may not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, data or passwords belonging to other users.
- Users may not directly or indirectly make connections that create “backdoors” to the District’s network which allow unauthorized access to any person or organization.
- Users may not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, hateful, threatening or disrespectful language.
- Users may not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.
- Users may not harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person.
- Users may not repost a message that was sent to them privately without the permission of the person who sent them the message.
- Users may not forward or post chain letters, or engage in “spamming.” Spamming is sending annoying or unnecessary messages to large groups of people.
- Users will not install or reproduce unauthorized or unlicensed software on District resources.
- Users may not plagiarize works that they find on the internet or through other sources.
- Users may not use technology resources and internet for private business activities or unreasonable personal use.
- Users may not use the District’s private network for political lobbying.
- Users will not download files unless approved by the teacher.
- System Security Obligations
- Users are responsible for the use of their individual access account and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no condition should a user share his/her password with another person.
- Attempts to log on to the District’s private network or any other network as a system administrator or any user other than his/her own is prohibited.
- Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of violating this or any other Acceptable Use Policy shall be denied access to the District’s private network for the remainder of the school year.
- Users will avoid the inadvertent spread of computer viruses by following the School District virus protection procedures if they download software or share common file directory.
- Users should immediately notify a teacher or system administrator of any possible security problem.
- Students will promptly tell their teacher or other appropriate school employee of any message received that is inappropriate.
- Filtering
- As required by law and in recognition of the need to establish a safe and appropriate computing environment, the School and District and Kirkbride School will use filtering technology to prohibit access, to the degree possible, to objectionable or unsuitable content that might otherwise be accessible via the Internet.
- Due Process
- The School District and Kirkbride School will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to any illegal activities conducted through The District’s private network.
- In the event there is an allegation that a student has violated the District
Acceptable Use Policy, the student/parent will be provided with notice of the alleged violation and will be provided with notice and opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth in the Student Hearing Process Policy. Disciplinary actions may be taken.
- Administration
- The principal has the responsibility to establish a plan to ensure adequate supervision of students. They are also responsible for interpreting and enforcing this policy at the local level.